Thursday, November 29, 2012


Today was my last day at Enrich forever because I am year 6 and today was the second last of Enrich for the year but I have school camp next week so I miss Enrich.
I Don't want to leave :( :( :(

Today I finished ZAP FOREVER.
He Is done he hates hot, cold, being touched on the tail and the dark.
He likes his head moving and being patted.
He can also be moved.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Robot dog/project Zap

Today Connor and I finished Project ZAP the robot dog He has some more features since the last video we made so he is more life like.

These are the steps we made Zap in:
1.0 Very bad movements and keeps jamming.
1.5 Improved movements and no jamming.
2.0 Added sound fx.
3.5 More sound fx and old ones improved.
4.0 Display images.
4.8 Even more sound fx and images
5.0 Added pat sensor and wheels
5.5 Fixed jamming wheels
6.0 New temperature light sensors

This is 6.0

So far today

Today I did a workshop about Hurricane Sandy, we watched a bit about it on the One news site and then we thought about what were the problems, the benefits, the facts and the solutions to the problems.

We also did some typing lessons on a site. Well not me, I did it on word because I am already doing typing lessons at home and the lessons don't match and there are none the same as I am working on. I am working on capital letters for D,A,F,R and E.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Passion Time

Today for passion time I did more on the Robot dog who I call Barf which means to spew.
I thought of using a light sensor to make it hate dark but also in the dark a light turns on to make it light to make him happy again.
I also have a temperature sensor, so if you can can you please give us some ideas on what to use it for that would be great.
I didn't get much done because I had to tidy up the robots.
The robot hasn't changed at all but we have already done the programing for the light sensors and got the new controller for the light and temperature sensors and the light.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Custom Glitter Text


We got the hammer this far over the line.